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We are sorry but we cannot accept Dropship returns.


All sales on lingerie and swimwear are generally final for reasons of hygiene.
Returns of any type of merchandise will not be accepted without prior Authorization. Any unauthorized returns will be refused.

All claims for damaged or incorrect goods, or a discrepancy in quantities shipped must be reported within five business days after receipt of goods. We will not accept returns for any merchandise either worn, damaged in-store and not in their original packaging. Evidence of damage must be submitted with report. Approved returns will be repaired or replaced as appropriate.

Should a style had been out of stock on certain sizes we will not accept requests later to return the remaining sizes for this reason.

We will not physically accept returns at this time. Please do not ship to us.
All sales are final for goods on closeout (sale).

If you would like to make a return request, or have any additional questions about our return policy, please contact


Pick up from Warehouse “Will Call”

USPS (Drop Ship default)

  • First Class
  • Priority


We do not offer added insurance to orders if it does not come with the shipping method.

Domestic Payment Terms:
1) Net 30 (For approved credit clients only)
2) Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover

International Payment Terms:
1) Wire Transfer

Shipping Policy:

All accounts in good standing will be shipped on the dates specified. If for any reason we cannot ship the order 100% by the due date, for your convenience, we will automatically back order the balance unless requested to cancel the back orders. If orders are received and paid before noon PST they can be shipped same day generally. Unauthorized returns or refused shipments are subject to a 15% restocking fee & shipping charges.


    By clicking “Become a partner”, you agree the Terms & conditions.